After a fairly good summer, this fall there are few things I'm interested in, but nothing I'm really expecting. Often, though, the dramas I'm expecting nothing from are the ones that surprise me the most, so I hope it will be the same this season!
I didn't watch many dramas this fall, but I prefer to watch few things but good, than a lot of mediocre stuff, or things I don't care about. And the 3 dramas I've watched this season (2 japanese and one korean) were not good, they were MORE THAN GOOD.
It's that time of the year... no, it's actually a little late, most of dramas are about to start already! Time is flying and I can't believe we're already in the middle of october >.This time I'll divide the post in 'dramas I want to watch' and 'dramas I might try', because this season I'm interested in many things, but as always I don't have that
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Yesterday I finished watching Reply 1994, so it's time of the usual post! This season... I haven't watched a lot of things, and most of them weren't nothing special. But there were two drama I absolutely loved!
[Ando Lloyd]Ando LLoyd - A.I. Knows Love??I've started watching this drama when it was about to end, and only because I saw on tumblr a gif of Mirei
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Really late, I know, but I wanted to write something about this season, because I liked it a lot!
(but first of all, a minute of silence for my external HD, which definitely died this morning :'( I don't even want to think about all the things I'll have to download... if I'll ever find them sob sob ;_;)
DONDONDONDOOOOON Premetto che la stagione appena finita è stata una delle migliori degli ultimi anni, quindi non mi aspetto molto da questa... ma potrebbero esserci delle sorprese!